Fashion Blogger Rebecca Moore Howard


Allen, Michael, et al.  “Portfolios, WAC, Email, and Assessment:  An Inquiry on Portnet.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  370-84.

Ause, Cheryl Evans, and Gerilee Nicastro.  “Establishing Sound Portfolio Practice:  Reflections on Faculty Development.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  89-100.

Baker, Nancy Westrich.  “The Effect of Portfolio-Based Instruction on Composition Students’ Final Examination Scores, Course Grades, and Attitudes Toward Writing.”  Research in the Teaching of English 27.2 (May 1993):  155-74.

Beall, John.  “Portfolios, Research, and Writing about Science.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  93-102.

Belanoff, Pat, and Marcia Dickson, eds.  Portfolios:  Process and Product.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1991.

Belanoff, Pat, and Peter Elbow.  “Using Portfolios to Increase Collaboration and Community in a Writing Program.”  Portfolios:  Process and Product.  Ed. Pat Belanoff and Marcia Dickson.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1991.  17-29.

Belanoff, Pat.  “Portfolios and Literacy:  Why?”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  13-24.

Berlin, James A.  “The Subversions of the Portfolio.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  56-68.

Bishop, Wendy.  “Designing a Writing Portfolio Evaluation System.”  The English Record 40.2 (1990):  21-25.

Black, Laurel, Edwina Helton, and Jeffrey Sommers.  “Connecting Current Research on Authentic and Performance Assessment Through Portfolios.”  Assessing Writing  1.2 (1994):  247-66.

Black, Laurel, et al.  “Writing Like a Woman and Being Rewarded for It:  Gender, Assessment, and Reflective Letters from Miami University’s Student Portfolios.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  235-47.

Black, Laurel, et al., eds.  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.

Blair, Kristine L., and Pamela Takayoshi.  “Reflections in Reading and Evaluating Electronic Portfolios.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  357-69.

Blanchard, Rochelle Rodrigo, Amy D’Antonio, and Lisa Cahill.  “Group Portfolio Presentations.”  Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition.  Ed. Duane Roen, Veronica Pantoja, Lauren Yena, Susan K. Miller, and Eric Waggoner. Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 2002.  195-202.

Borrowman, Shane.  “The Trinity of Portfolio Placement:  Validity, Reliability, and Curriculum Reform.”  WPA:  Writing Program Administration 23.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1999):  7-28.

Broad, Robert L.  “‘Portfolio Scoring’:  A Contradiction in Terms.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  263-76.

Burch, C. Beth.  “Portfolio Requirements for Writing and Discourse.”  Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition.  Ed. Duane Roen, Veronica Pantoja, Lauren Yena, Susan K. Miller, and Eric Waggoner. Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 2002.  186-188.

Burke, Kay.  Professional Portfolios: A Collection of Articles.  IRI/Skylight Training and Publishing, Arlington Heights IL, 1996.

Burnham, Christopher C.  “Portfolio Evaluation:  Room to Breathe and Grow.”  Training the New Teacher of College Composition.  Ed. Charles W. Bridges.  Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 1986.  125-38.

Callahan, Susan. “All Done with the Best of Intentions: One Kentucky High School after Six Years of State Portfolio Tests.” Assessing Writing6.1 (1999): 5-40.

Callahan, Susan.  “Kentucky’s State-Mandated Writing Portfolios and Teacher Accountability.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  57-71.

Callahan, Susan.  “Portfolio Expectations:  Possibilities and Limits.”  Assessing Writing 2 (1995):  117-151.

Campbell, Jo.  “Electronic Portfolios:  A Five-Year History.”  Computers and Composition 13.2 (1996):  185-94.

Cardoni, Agnes A., Rebecca Fraser, and Janet Wright Starner.  “Collaboration, Collages, and Portfolios:  A Workshop.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  129-39.

Clark, Irene L.  “Portfolio Evaluation, Collaboration, and Writing Centers.”  College Composition and Communication 44.4 (December 1993):  515-24.

Click, Ben, and Sarah Magruder. “Implementing Electronic Portfolios as Part of the Writing Center: Connections, Benefits, Cautions, and Strategies.” The Writing Center Director’s Resource Book. Ed. Christina Murphy and Byron L. Stay. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006. 359-370.

Condon, William.  “The Washington State Junior Writing Portfolio.”  <>.  15 December 2000.

Condon, William, and Liz Hamp-Lyons.  “Introducing a Portfolio-based Writing Assessment.”  Portfolios:  Process and Product.  Ed. Pat Belanoff and Marcia Dickson.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1991.  231-47.

Condon, William, and Liz Hamp-Lyons.  “Maintaining a Portfolio-Based Writing Assessment:  Research That Informs Program Development.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  277-85.

Condon, William.  “Building Bridges, Closing Gaps:  Using Portfolios to Reconstruct the Academic Community.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  196-213.

Conway, Glenda.  “Portfolio Cover Letters, Students’ Self-Presentation, and Teachers’ Ethics.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  83-92.

Coulter, Lauren Sewell.  “Lean, Mean Grading Machines?  A Bourdieuian Reading of Novice Instructors in a Portfolio-Based Writing Program.”  WPA:  Writing Program Administration 23.3 (Spring 2000):  33-50.

Daiker, Donald A., Jeff Sommers, and Gail Stygall.  “The Pedagogical Implications of a College Placement Portfolio.”  Assessment of Writing:  Politics, Policies and Practices.  Ed. Edward M. White, William D. Lutz, and Sandra Kamusikiri.  Modern Language Association, 1996.  257-70.

Dailey, Susan R.  “Portfolios in Law School:  Creating a Community of Writers.”   Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  214-24.

Despain, LaRene, and Thomas L. Hilgers.  “Readers’ Responses to the Rating of Non-Uniform Portfolios:  Are There Limits on Portfolios’ Utility?”  WPA:  Writing Program Administration 16.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1992):  24-37.

Durst, Russell, Marjorie Roemer, and Lucille M. Schultz.  “Portfolio Negotiations:  Acts in Speech.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  286-300.

Elbow, Peter, and Pat Belanoff.  “Reflections on an Explosion:  Portfolios in the ’90s and Beyond.”  Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  21-33.

Elbow, Peter, and Pat Belanoff.  “State University of New York at Stony Brook Portfolio-based Evaluation Program.”  Portfolios:  Process and Product.  Ed. Pat Belanoff and Marcia Dickson.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1991.  3-16.

Elbow, Peter.  “Will the Virtues of Portfolios Blind Us to Their Potential Dangers?”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  40-55.

Emmons, Kimberly.  “Rethinking Genres of Reflection:  Student Portfolio Cover Letters and the Narrative of Progress.”  Composition Studies 31.1 (Spring 2003):  43-62.

Fischer, Katherine M.  “Down the Yellow Chip Road:  Hypertext Portfolios in Oz.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  338-56.

Fischer, Katherine M.  “Down the Yellow Chip Road:  Hypertext Portfolios in Oz.”  Computers and Composition 13.2 (1996):  169-84.

Forbes, Cheryl.  “Cowriting, Overwriting, and Overriding in Portfolio Land Online.”  Computers and Composition 13.2 (1996):  195-206.

Forbes, Cheryl.  “Reading Portfolios Conversationally.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  103-112.

Ford, James E., and Gregory Larkin.  “The Portfolio System:  An End to Backsliding Writing Standards.”  College English 39 (1978):  950-55.

Gale, Xin Liu.  “Judgment Deferred:  Reconsidering Institutional Authority in the Portfolio Writing Classroom.”  Grading in the Post-Process Classroom:  From Theory to Practice.  Ed. Libby Allison, Lisbeth Bryant, and Maureen Hourigan.  Westport, CT:  Heinemann Boynton/Cook, 1997.  75-93.

Gay, Pamela.  “A Portfolio Approach to Teaching a Biology-linked Basic Writing Course.”  Portfolios:  Process and Product.  Ed. Pat Belanoff and Marcia Dickson.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1991.  182-93.

Gill, Kent, et al., eds.  Process and Portfolios in Writing Instruction.  Classroom Practices in Teaching English.  Vol. 26.  Urbana, IL:  National Council of Teachers of English, 1993.

Graves, Donald.  Portfolio Portraits.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1992.

Hamp-Lyons, Liz, and William Condon.  “Questioning Assumptions about Portfolio-Based Assessment.”  College Composition and Communication 44.2 (May 1993):  176-90.

Harrison, Suzan.  “Portfolios Across the Curriculum.”  WPA:  Writing Program Administration 19.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1995):  38-49.

Haswell, Richard, Lisa Johnson-Shull, and Susan Wyche-Smith.  “Shooting Niagara:  Making Portfolio Assessment Serve Instruction at a State University.”  WPA:  Writing Program Administration 18.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1994):  44-55.

Hawisher, Gail E., and Cynthia L. Selfe.  “Wedding the Technologies of Writing Portfolios and Computers:  The Challenges of Electronic Classrooms.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  305-21.

Heiges, Janice M.  “Portfolio for Doctoral Candidacy:  A Veritable Alternative.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  125-44.

Hernberg, Erin.  “Can a Metamorphisis Be Quantified?:  Reflecting On Portfolio Assessment.”  Composition Studies 33.2 (Fall 2005):  69-88.

Hesse, Douglas D.  “Portfolio Standards for English 101.”  Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition.  Ed. Duane Roen, Veronica Pantoja, Lauren Yena, Susan K. Miller, and Eric Waggoner. Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 2002.  422-431.

Howard, Rebecca Moore.  “Memoranda to Myself:  Maxims for the On-Line Portfolio.”  Computers and Composition 13.2 (1996):  155-68.

Huot, Brian, and Michael M. Williamson.  “Rethinking Portfolios for Evaluating Writing:  Issues of Assessment and Power.”  Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  43-56.

Huot, Brian.  “Beyond the Classroom:  Using Portfolios to Assess Writing.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  325-33.

Huot, Brian.  “Computers and Assessment:  Understanding Two Technologies.”  Computers and Composition 13.2 (1996):  231-44.

Kieffer, Ronald D., and Mark A. Faust. “Portfolio Purposes: Teachers Exploring the Relationship between Evaluation and Learning.” Assessing Writing3.2 (1996): 149-172.

Larson, Richard L.  “Portfolios in the Assessment of Writing:  A Political Perspective.”  Assessment of Writing:  Politics, Policies and Practices.  Ed. Edward M. White, William D. Lutz, and Sandra Kamusikiri.  Modern Language Association, 1996.  271-83.

Larson, Richard L.  “Using Portfolios in the Assessment of Writing in the Academic Disciplines.”  Portfolios:  Process and Product.  Ed. Pat Belanoff and Marcia Dickson.  Portsmouth:  Boynton/Cook, 1991.  137-49.

Lindgren, Margaret.  “The Teaching Portfolio:  Practicing What We Teach.”  Preparing College Teachers of Writing: Histories, Theories, Practices, and Programs.  Ed. Betty Pytlik and Sarah Liggett.  Oxford UP, 2002.  292-302.

Lovitt, Carl R., and Art Young.  “Portfolios in the Disciplines:  Sharing Knowledge in the Contact Zone.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  334-46.

Lucas, Catherine.  “Writing PortfoliosÑChanges and Challenges.”  Portfolios in the Writing Classroom:  An Introduction.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey.  Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 1992.  1-11.

Mayers, Tim.  “From Page to Screen (and Back):  Portfolios, Daedalus, and the ‘Transitional Classroom.’” Computers and Composition 13.2 (1996):  147-54.

McIntire-Strasburg, Janice.  “The Flash or the Trash:  Web Portfolios and Writing Assessment.”  Kairos 6.2 (Fall 2001).  <>

Mullen, Laurie, William I. Bauer, and W. Webster Newbold.  “Developing a University-Wide Electronic Portfolio System for Teacher Education.”  Kairos 6.2 (Fall 2001).  <>

Murphy, Sandra, and Barbara Grant.  “Portfolio Approaches to Assessment:  Breakthrough or More of the Same?”  Assessment of Writing:  Politics, Policies and Practices.  Ed. Edward M. White, William D. Lutz, and Sandra Kamusikiri.  Modern Language Association, 1996.  284-300.

Murphy, Sandra.  “Portfolios and Curriculum Reform:  Patterns in Practice.”  Assessing Writing  1.2 (1994):  175-206.

Murphy, Sandra.  “Teachers and Students:  Reclaiming Assessment Via Portfolios.”  Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  72-88.

Murphy, Sandra.  “Writing Portfolios in K-12 Schools:  Implications for Linguistically Diverse Students.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  140-56.

O’Brien, Charlotte W.  “Of Large-Mouth Milk Jugs, Cosmic Trash Compactors, and Renewal Machines:  Reflections on a Multi-task Portfolio Assessment.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  101-24.

Paulson, Pearl R., and F. Leon Paulson.  “A Different Understanding.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  278-92.

Perry, Mary.  “Producing Purposeful Portfolios.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997. 182-95.

Philion, Thomas.  “Portfolios and Flow.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  176-81.

“Portfolio Assessment:  An Annotated Bibliography.”  The Quarterly of the National Writing Project and the Center for the Study of Writing 10 (October 1988):  23-4.

Purves, Alan C.  “Electronic Portfolios.”  Computers and Composition 13.2 (1996):  135-46.

Reynolds, Nedra.  “Graduate Writers and Portfolios:  Issues of Professionalism, Authority and Resistance.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  201-209.

Reynolds, Nedra, and Rich Rice.  Portfolio Keeping:  A Guide for Students.  2nd ed.  Boston:  Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006.

Roemer, Marjorie, Lucille M. Schultz, and Russel K. Durst.  “Portfolios and the Process of Change.”  College Composition and Communication 42.4 (December 1991):  455-69.

Russell, David R.  “Collaborative Portfolio Assessment in the English Secondary School System.”  Clearing House 68 (1995):  244-247.

Rutz, Carol, and Nathan D. Grawe. “Pairing WAC and Quantitative Reasoning through Portfolio Assessment and Faculty Development.” Across the Disciplines3 Dec. 2009.

Ryder, Phyllis Mentzell.  “A Writing Portfolio Assignment.”  Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition.  Ed. Duane Roen, Veronica Pantoja, Lauren Yena, Susan K. Miller, and Eric Waggoner. Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 2002.  182-185.

Schuster, Charles I.  “Climbing the Slippery Slope of Assessment:  The Programmatic Use of Writing Portfolios.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  314-24.

Smit, David W.  “Evaluating a Portfolio System.”  WPA:  Writing Program Administration 14 (Fall/Winter 1990):  51-62.

Smit, David W.  “A WPA’s Nightmare:  Reflections on Using Portfolios as a Course Exit Exam.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  303-13.

Smith, Mary Ann.  “Behind the Scenes: Portfolios in a Classroom Learning Community.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  145-62.

Sommers, Jeffrey.  “Bringing Practice in Line with Theory:  Using Portfolio Grading in the Composition Classroom.”  Portfolios:  Process and Product.  Ed. Pat Belanoff and Marcia Dickson.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1991.  153-64.

Sommers, Jeffrey, Laurel Black, Donald A. Daiker, and Gail Stygall.  “The Challenge of Rating Portfolios:  What WPA’s Can Expect.”  WPA:  Writing Program Administration 17.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1993):  7-29.  .

Sommers, Jeffrey.  “The Writer’s Memo:  Collaboration, Response, and Development.”  Writing and Response:  Theory, Practice, and Research.  Ed. Chris M. Anson.  Urbana, IL:  National Council of Teachers of English, 1989.  174-86.

Spigelman, Candace.  “Trying for Democracy:  Group Decision Making in the Portfolio Classroom.” Composition Studies 27.2 (Fall 1999): 23-37.

Stone, Sandra J.  “Using Portfolios to Assess and Nurture Early Literacy from a Developmental Perspective.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  163-75.

Stygall, Gail, et al.  “Gendered Textuality:  Assigning Gender to Portfolios.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  248-62.

Takayoski, Pamela.  “The Shape of Electronic Writing:  Evaluating and Assessing Computer-Assisted Writing Processes and Products.”  Computers and Composition 13.2 (1996):  245-58.

Thaiss, Christopher, and Terry Myers Zawicki.  “How Portfolios for Proficiency Help Shape a WAC Program.”  Assessing Writing Across the Curriculum: Diverse Approaches and Practices. Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Brian Huot. Greenwich, CT: Ablex, 1997. 79-96.

Thelin, William H.  “The Connection Between Response Styles and Portfolio Assessment:  Three Case Studies of Student Revision.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  113-128.

Thomas, Sharon, Julie Bevins, and Mary Ann Crawford.  “The Portfolio Project:  Sharing Our Stories.”  Writing Center Research:  Extending the Conversation.  Ed. Paula Gillespie, Alice Gillam, Lady Falls Brown, and Byron Stay. Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002.  149-166.

van Aalst, Jan, and Carol K.K. Chan. “Student-Directed Assessment of Knowledge Building Using Electronic Portfolios.” Journal of the Learning Sciences16.2 (2007): 175-220.

Wall, Beverly C., and Robert F. Peltier.  “‘Going Public’ with Electronic Portfolios:  Audience, Community, and the Terms of Student Ownership.”  Computers and Composition 13.2 (1996):  207-18.

Watkins, Steve.  “World Wide Web Authoring in the Portfolio-Assessed, (Inter)Networked Composition Course.”  Computers and Composition 13.2 (1996):  219-30.

Weiser, Irwin.  “Portfolio Practice and Assessment for Collegiate Basic Writers.”  Portfolios in the Writing Classroom:  An Introduction.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey.  Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 1992.  1-11.

Weiser, Irwin.  “Portfolios and the New Teacher of Writing.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  219-30.

Weiser, Irwin.  “Revising Our Practices:  How Portfolios Help Teachers Learn.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  293-304.

White, Edward M.  “Portfolios as an Assessment Concept.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  25-39.

White, Edward M.  “The Scoring of Writing Portfolios:  Phase 2.”  College Composition and Communication 56:4 (June 2005):  581-600.

White, Edward M.  Assigning, Responding, Evaluating:  A Writing Teacher’s Guide.  3rd ed.  New York:  St. Martin’s P, 1995.  Chapter 7, “Using Portfolios:  Definitions, Strengths, and Weaknesses,” 149-64.

Wickliff, Gregory A.  “A Hypertext Authoring Course, Portfolio Assessment, and Diversity.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  322-37.

Willard-Traub, Margaret, Emily Decker, Rebecca Reed, and Jerome Johnston. “The Development of Large-Scale Portfolio Placement Assessment at the University of Michigan: 1992Ð1998.” Assessing Writing6.1 (1999): 41-84.

Yagelski, Robert P.  “Portfolios as a Way to Encourage Reflective Practice Among Preservice English Teachers.” Situating Portfolios:  Four Perspectives.  Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 1997.  225-43.

Yancey, Kathleen Blake. “The Electronic Portfolio: Shifting Paradigms.” Computers and Composition13.2 (1996): 259-62.

Yancey, Kathleen Blake. “Make Haste Slowly: Graduate Teaching Assistants and Portfolios.” New Directions in Portfolio Assessment: Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring. Ed. Laurel Black, et al. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1994. 210-18.

Yancey, Kathleen Blake. “Portfolio as Genre, Rhetoric as Reflection: Situating Selves, Literacies, and Knowledge.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.3 (Spring 1996): 55-69.

Yancey, Kathleen Blake. “Portfolio, Electronic, and the Links Between.” Computers and Composition 13.2 (1996): 129-34.

Yancey, Kathleen Blake, ed. Portfolios in the Writing Classroom: An Introduction. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1992.

Yancey, Kathleen Blake. “Postmodernism, Palimpsest, and Portfolios: Theoretical Issues in the Representation of Student Work.” College Composition and Communication 55.4 (June 2004): 738-761.

Yancey, Kathleen Blake, and Irwin Weiser. “Situating Portfolios: An Introduction.” Situating Portfolios: Four Perspectives. Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser. Logan: Utah State UP, 1997. 1-20.

Yancey, Kathleen Blake. “Teacher Portfolios: Lessons in Resistance, Readiness, and Reflection.” Situating Portfolios: Four Perspectives. Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey and Irwin Weiser. Logan: Utah State UP, 1997. 244-62.

Young, Jeffrey R.  “Creating Online Portfolios Can Help Students See ‘Big Picture,’ Colleges Say.”  Chronicle of Higher Education (21 February 2002).  <>.  21 February 2002.