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Rhetorical Analysis, Rhetorical Criticism

Andrews, James. The Practice of Rhetorical Criticism 2nd ed. New York: Longman, 1996.

Bacon, Nora. “Building a Swan’s Nest for Instruction in Rhetoric.” College Composition and Communication 51.4 (June 2000): 589-609.

Baird, A. Craig, and Lester Thonssen “Methodology in the Criticism of Public Address.” 1947. Rpt. Landmark Essays on American Public Address. Ed. Martin J. Medhurst. Davis, CA: Hermagoras P, 1993. 47-52

Baskerville, Barnet. “Must We All Be ‘Rhetorical Critics’?” 1977. Rpt. Landmark Essays on American Public Address. Ed. Martin J. Medhurst. Davis, CA: Hermagoras P, 1993 117-28.

Bazerman, Charles, and Paul A. Prior, eds. What Writing Does and How It Does It: An Introduction to Analyzing Texts and Textual Practices. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004.

Benson, Thomas W. Landmark Essays on Rhetorical Criticism. Davis, CA: Hermagoras P, 1993

Berube, Michael. Accessing the Humanities.

Black, Edwin. “The Practice of Rhetorical Criticism.” 1965. Rpt. Landmark Essays on American Public Address. Ed. Martin J. Medhurst. Davis, CA: Hermagoras P, 1993. 99-116.

black, Edwin

Bormann, Ernest G. “Ghostwriting and the Rhetorical Critic.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 46 (1960): 284-8.

Brock, Bernard L., and Robert Lee Scott. Methods of Rhetorical Criticism: Twentieth-Century Perspectives. 2nd ed. Wayne State UP, 1979.

Brown, Richard Harvey. “From Suspicion to Affirmation: Post-Modernism and the Challenges of Rhetorical Analysis.” Writing the Social Text: Poetics and Politics in Social Science Discourse Ed. Richard Harvey Brown New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1992. 219-27.

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Burgchardt, Carl R., ed. Readings in Rhetorical Criticism. Strata, 1995.

Burke, Kenneth. “The Rhetoric of Hitler’s ‘Battle.’” The Philosophy of Literary Form: Studies in Symbolic Action. 3rd ed. Berkeley: U of California P, 1941, 1973 191-220.

Campbell, Karlyn Kohrs. “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Rhetorical Criticism: Cultural Challenges to Rhetorical Criticism.” Rhetoric Review 25.4 (2006): 357-358.

Campbell, Karlyn Kohrs, and Zornitsa D. Keremidchieva. “Race, Sex, and Class in Rhetorical Criticism.” The Sage Handbook of Rhetorical Studies. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2009. 461-476.

Carino, Peter. “Reading Our Own Words: Rhetorical Analysis and the Institutional Discourse of Writing Centers.” Writing Center Research: Extending the Conversation. Ed. Paula Gillespie, Alice Gillam, Lady Falls Brown, and Byron Stay. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002. 91-110

Carpenter, Ronald H. History as Rhetoric: Style, Narrative, and Persuasion. Columbia: U South Carolina P, 1995

Caughie, Pamela L./Reed Way Dasenbrock “An Exchange on ‘Truth and Methods.’” College English 58.5 (September 1996): 541-54.

Ceccarelli, Leah. “Polysemy: Multiple Meanings in Rhetorical Criticism.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 84.4 (1998).

Cline, Andrew R. Rhetorica: Critical Meter. 2004..

Comstock, Gary David. “An Interdisciplinary Model for ExaminingPreconceptions.” Perspectives 21.2 (Summer 1991): 14-22.

Condit, Celeste. “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Rhetorical Criticism: Diverse Bodies Learning New Languages.” Rhetoric Review 25.4 (2006): 368-372.

Cooper, Martha. “Rhetorical Criticism and Foucault’s Philosophy of Discursive Events.” Communication Studies 38 (1987): 1-17.

Corbett, Edward P. J., ed. Rhetorical Analyses of Literary Works. New York, Oxford University Press, 1969.

Crockett, Andy. “Rhetorical Analysis: Terms of Contention.” Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition Ed. Duane Roen, Veronica Pantoja, Lauren Yena, Susan K. Miller, and Eric Waggoner. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 2002. 145-149.

D’Angelo, Frank J. “Rhetorical Criticism.” Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition: Communication from Ancient Times to the Information Age. Ed. Theresa Enos. New York: Garland, 1996 604-608.

Dasenbrock, Reed Way. “Truth and Methods.” College English 57.5 (September 1995): 546-61

deWinter, Jennifer. “A Bibliographic Synthesis of Rhetorical Criticism.” Rhetoric Review 25.4 (2006): 388-407.

Enos, Richard Leo. “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Rhetorical Criticism. Introduction: The Inclusiveness of Rhetorical Criticism.” Rhetoric Review 25.4 (2006): 357-358.

Enos, Richard Leo. “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Rhetorical Criticism: Classical Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism.” Rhetoric Review 25.4 (2006): 357-358.

Fahnestock, Jeanne, and Marie Secor. “Rhetorical Analysis.” Discourse Studies in Composition. Eds. Ellen L. Barton and Gail Stygall. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton P, 2002.

Fahnestock, Jeanne, and Marie Secor. “The Rhetoric of Literary Criticism.” Textual Dynamics of the Professions: Historical and Contemporary Studies of Writing in Professional Communities. Ed. Charles Bazerman and James Paradis. U Wisconsin P, 1991.

Fahnestock, Jeanne. Rhetorical Figures in Science. New York: Oxford UP.

Foss, Sonja. “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Rhetorical Criticism: Rhetorical Criticism as Synecdoche for Agency.” Rhetoric Review 25.4 (2006): 375-379.

Foss, Sonja. Rhetorical Criticism: Exploration & Practice. 4th ed. Long Grove, IL: Waveland, 2009.

Genung, John Franklin. Handbook of Rhetorical Analysis; Studies in Style and Invention, Designed to Accompany the Author’s Practical Elements of Rhetoric. Boston: Ginn, 1891

Hart, Roderick P. Modern Rhetorical Criticism Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1990.

Hart, Roderick P. “Wandering with Rhetorical Criticism.” Critical Questions: Invention, Creativity, and the Criticism of Discourse and Media. Ed. William L. Nothstine, Carole Blair, and Gary A. Copeland. New York: St. Martin’s, 1994 71-81.

Hessler, H. Brooke. “Product Versus Product: The Occupational Rhetoric of Academic Work.” Diss. Texas Christian U, 2001

Hochmuth, Marie. “The Criticism of Rhetoric.” 1955. Rpt. Landmark Essays on American Public Address. Ed. Martin J. Medhurst Davis, CA: Hermagoras P, 1993. 77-98.

Howell, Wilbur Samuel. yes”> Poetics, Rhetoric, and Logic: Studies in the Basic Disciplines of Criticism. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1975.

Jensen, Richard J.. “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Rhetorical Criticism: Analyzing Social Movement Rhetoric.” Rhetoric Review 25.4 (2006): 372-375.

King, Andrew. “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Rhetorical Criticism: The State of Rhetorical Criticism.” Rhetoric Review 25.4 (2006): 365-368.

King, Andrew. “The Rhetorical Critic and the Invisible Polis.” Rhetorical Hermeneutics: Invention and Interpretation in the Age of Science. Ed. William Keith and Alan Gross Albany, NY: SUNY UP, 1996. 299-316.

Leff, Michael. “Textual Criticism: The Legacy of G.P. Mohrmann.” 1986. Rpt. Landmark Essays on American Public Address. Ed. Martin J. Medhurst Davis, CA: Hermagoras P, 1993. 163-78.

Longaker, Mark G., and Jeffrey Walker. Rhetorical Analysis: A Brief Guide for Writers. New York: Longman, 2011.

Manovich, Lev. The Language of New Media Cambridge, MA: MIT P, 2002.

McCormick, Kathleen. “‘On a topic of your own choosing . . .’” Writing Theory and Critical Theory. Ed. John Clifford and John Schilb. New York: Modern Language Association, 1994. 33-52.

Medhurst, Martin J. “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Rhetorical Criticism. Thirty Years Later: A Critic’s Tale.” Rhetoric Review 25.4 (2006): 379-383.

Mohrmann, G.P. “Elegy in a Critical Grave-Yard.” 1980. Rpt. Landmark Essays on American Public Address. Ed. Martin J. Medhurst Davis, CA: Hermagoras P, 1993. 129-38.

Nothstine, William L., Carole Blair, and Gary A. Copeland. “Invention in Media and Rhetorical Criticism: A General Orientation.” Critical Questions: Invention, Creativity, and the Criticism of Discourse and Media. Ed. William L. Nothstine, Carole Blair, and Gary A. Copeland. New York: St. Martin’s, 1994 3-14.

Nothstine, William L., Carole Blair, and Gary A. Copeland. “Professionalization and the Eclipse of Critical Invention.” Critical Questions: Invention, Creativity, and the Criticism of Discourse and Media. Ed. William L. Nothstine, Carole Blair, and Gary A. Copeland. New York: St. Martin’s, 1994 15-70.

Oddo, John. “Discourse-Based Methods across Texts and Semiotic Modes: Three Tools for Micro-Rhetorical Analysis.” Written Communication 30.3 (July 2013): 236-75.

Osborn, Michael M. “The Invention of Rhetorical Criticism in My Work.” Critical Questions: Invention, Creativity, and the Criticism of Discourse and Media. Ed. William L. Nothstine, Carole Blair, and Gary A. Copeland. New York: St. Martin’s, 1994 82-95.

Porter, James E., Patricia Sullivan, Stuart Blythe, Jeffrey T. Grabill, and Libby Miles. “Institutional Critique: A Rhetorical Methodology for Change.” College Composition and Communication 51 (2000): 610-642.

Reid, Loren D. “The Perils of Rhetorical Criticism.” 1944. Rpt. Landmark Essays on American Public Address. Ed. Martin J. Medhurst. Davis, CA: Hermagoras P, 1993 39-46.

Rosteck, Thomas. “Form and Cultural Context in Rhetorical Criticism: Re-reading Wrage.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 84.4 (1998).

Sciappa, Edward. “The Historian as Arguer.” Rhetoric Review 16.1 (Fall 1997): 36-38

Selzer, Jack. “Rhetorical Analysis: Understanding How Texts Persuade Readers.” What Writing Does and How It Does It. Ed. Charles Bazerman and Paul Prior. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004. 279-308.

Solomon, Martha. “The Rhetoric of Dehumanization: An Analysis of Medical Reports of the Tuskegee Syphilis Project.” Critical Questions: Invention, Creativity, and the Criticism of Discourse and Media. Ed. William L. Nothstine, Carole Blair, and Gary A. Copeland. New York: St. Martin’s, 1994 301-22.

Stillar, Glenn F. Analyzing Everyday Texts: Discoursal, Rhetorical, and Social Perspectives. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998.

Swartz, Omar. Conducting Socially Responsible Research: Critical Theory, Neo-Pragmatism, and Rhetorical Inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1997.

Trail, George Y. “Teaching Argument and the Rhetoric of Orwell’s ‘Politics and the English Language.” College English 57.5 (September 1995): 570-83.

Trible, Phyllis. Rhetorical Criticism: Context, Method, and the Book of Jonah. Minneapolis: Fortress P, 1994.

Zarefsky, David. “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Rhetorical Criticism: Reflections on Rhetorical Criticism.” Rhetoric Review 25.4 (2006): 383-387.