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Bacig, Thomas D., Robert A. Evans, and Donald W. Larmouth.  “Computer-Assisted Instruction in Critical Thinking and Writing:  A Process/Model Approach.”  Research in the Teaching of English 25.3 (October 1991):  364-83.

Bartholomae, David.  “Inventing the University.”  When a Writer Can’t Write.  Ed. Mike Rose.  New York:  Guilford, 1985.  134-65.

Bawarshi, Anis.  Genre and the Invention of the Writer: Reconsidering the Place of Invention in Composition.  Logan:  Utah State UP, 2003.

Beaugrande, Robert de.  “The Processes of Invention:  Association and Recombination.”  College Composition and Communication 30 (1979):  260-7.

Beck, James P.  “Predrafting:  On Having Students Write Before We Teach Them How.”  Journal of Teaching Writing 5 (1986):  71-6.

Belanoff, Pat, Peter Elbow, and Sheryl I. Fontaine, eds.  Nothing Begins with N, New Investigations of Freewriting.  Carbondale:  Southern Illinois UP, 1991.

Berkenkotter, Carol.  “Decisions and Revisions:  The Planning Strategies of a Publishing Writer.”  College Composition and Communication 34 (1983):  156-67.

Berkenkotter, Carol.  “Student Writers and Their Sense of Authority over Texts.”  College Composition and Communication 35 (1984):  312-19.

Berlin, James A. “The Transformation of Invention in Nineteenth Century American Rhetoric.”  Southern Speech Communication Journal 46 (1981):  292-304.

Biesecker, Barbara A. “Of Historicity, Rhetoric: The Archive as Scene of Invention.” Rhetoric and Public Affairs 9.1 (2006)

Binkley, Roberta A. “Invention as a Strategy of Revision.”  Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition.  Ed. Duane Roen, Veronica Pantoja, Lauren Yena, Susan K. Miller, and Eric Waggoner. Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 2002.  236-239.

Blakesley, David.  “Reconceptualizing Grammar as an Aspect of Rhetorical Invention.”  The Place of Grammar in Writing Instruction.  Ed. Susan Hunter and Ray Wallace.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1995.  191-203.

Brady, Lenore L.  “To Whom It Might Actually Concern:  Letter Writing as Invention in First-Year Composition.”  Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition.  Ed. Duane Roen, Veronica Pantoja, Lauren Yena, Susan K. Miller, and Eric Waggoner. Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 2002.  249-251.

Brent, Doug.  “Young, Becker and Pike’s ‘Rogerian’ Rhetoric: A Twenty-Year Reassessment.”  College English 53.4 (April 1991):  452-66.

Briggs, Terri.  “Helping Basic Writers Find a Topic:  Using Life Experiences.”  Exercise Exchange 43.2 (Spring 1998):  5-7.

Bundy, Murray Wright.  “‘Invention’ and ‘Imagination’ in the Renaissance.”  Journal of English and Germanic Philology 29 (1930b):  535-45.

Burt, Susan Meredith.  “Glossotopia, Wauwaukeena, and Other Imaginary Places:  Group Role Play as Pre-Writing.”  Exercise Exchange 43.1 (Fall 1997):  5-7.

Caernarvon-Smith, Patricia.  Audience Analysis and Response.  Pembroke:  Firman Technical Publications, 1983.

Campo, Vicky.  “Invention Activity Late in the Writing Process.”  Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition.  Ed. Duane Roen, Veronica Pantoja, Lauren Yena, Susan K. Miller, and Eric Waggoner. Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 2002.  252-261.

Cicero.  On Invention.

Clark, Irene L.  “Invention.”  Concepts in Composition:  Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing.  By Irene L. Clark.  Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum, 2003.  71-93.

Collier, R.M.  Writer-based prose, creativity research, and protocol analysis.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, San Francisco, March 1982.  (ERIC Domument Reproduction Service No. ED 221 858).

Connors, Robert , and Cheryl Glenn.  The New St. Martin’s Guide to Teaching Writing.  Boston:  Bedford/St. Martin’s, 1999.

Cooper, Marilyn M.  “The Pragmatics of Form:  How Do Writers Discover What to Do When?”  New Directions in Composition Research.  Ed.  Richard Beach and Lillian S. Bridwell.  New York:  Guilford, 1984:  109-126.

Covino, William A.  “Making Differences in the Composition Class:  A Philosophy of Invention.”  Freshman English News 10 (Spring 1981).  Nash says that Covino equates Derrida’s differance with invention.

Covino, William A.  “Walt Disney Meets Mary Daly:  Invention, Imagination, and the Construction of Community.”  JAC:  A Journal of Composition Theory 20.1 (Winter 2000):  153-166.

Crowley, Sharon.

Ehninger, Douglas.  “George Campbell and the Revolution in Inventional Theory.”  Southern Speech Journal 15 (1950):  270-276.

Elbow, Peter.  “Closing My Eyes As I Speak:  An Argument for Ignoring Audience.”  College English 49 (1987):  50-69.

Enos, Theresa.  “Invention Acitivity.”  Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition.  Ed. Duane Roen, Veronica Pantoja, Lauren Yena, Susan K. Miller, and Eric Waggoner. Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 2002.  234-235.

Ettlich, Ernest Earl.  “Theories of Invention in Late Nineteenth Century American Rhetoric.”  Western Speech Journal 30 (1966):  233-241.

Faigley, Lester, et alAssessing Writers’ Knowledge and Processes of Composing.  Norwood, NJ:  Ablex, 1985.

Flower, Linda S.  Problem-Solving Strategies for Writing.  New York:  Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981.

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Francoz, M. J.  “The Logic of Question and Answer:  Writing as Inquiry.”  College English 41 (1979):  336-9.

Gage, John T.  “Teaching the Enthymeme:  Invention and Arrangement.”  Rhetoric Review 1 (1983):  38-50.

Gebhardt, Richard C.  “Initial Plans and Spontaneous Composition:  Toward a Comprehensive Theory of the Writing Process.”  College English 44 (1982):  620-7.

Geller, Marjorie.  “From ‘Laundry Lists’ to ‘Hierarchies’:  Changes in Thinking Process and Written Product.”  College Composition and Communication 37 (1986):  339-41.

Genung, John Franklin.  Handbook of Rhetorical Analysis; Studies in Style and Invention, Designed to Accompany the Author’s Practical Elements of Rhetoric.  Boston:  Ginn, 1891.  Howard collection.

Genung, John Franklin.  The Working Principles of Rhetoric.  Boston:  Ginn, 1901.

Gillis, Philip D.  “Using Computer Technology to Teach and Evaluate Prewriting.”  Computers and the Humanities 21 (1987):  3-19.

Gottschalk, Katherine K., and Keith Hjortshoj.  The Elements of Teaching Writing for Instructors in All Disciplines.  Ithaca, NY:  John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines, Cornell University, May 2003.

Graesser, Arthur C., et al.  “The Impact of Different Information Sources on Idea Generation:  Writing Off the Top of Our Heads.”  Written Communication 1 (1984):  341-64.

Grassi, Ernesto.  Rhetoric as Philosophy:  The Humanist Tradition.  Trans. John Michael Krois and Azizeh Azodi.  Carbondale:  Southern Illinois UP, 2001.

Green, Lawrence D.  “Enthymemic Invention and Structural Prediction.”  College English 41 (1980):  623-634.

Haas, Christina.  Writing Technology:  Studies on the Materiality of Literacy.  Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum, 1996.

Harris, Muriel.  “Modeling:  A Process Method of Teaching.”  College English 45 (1983):  74-84.

Hart, John S.  A Manual of Composition and Rhetoric:  A Text-Book for Schools and Colleges.  Philadelphia:  Eldredge & Brother, 1879.

Hashimoto, Irvin.  “Structured Heuristic Procedures:  Their Limitations.”  College Composition and Communication 36 (1985):  73-81.

Hawk, Byron. A Counter-History of Composition: Toward Methodologies of Complexity. Pittsburgh: U Pittsburgh P, 2007.

Hayes, J., et al.  “Writing Research and the Writer.”  American Psychologist 41 (1986):  1106-1113.

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Hillocks, G. (1984).  “What Works in Teaching Composition:  A Metaanalysis of Experimental Treatment Studies.”  American Journal of Education 93(1), 133-170.

Holland, V. Melissa.  “Toward Improving Models of Writers:  Searching for Models of Audience.”  Constructing Rhetorical Education.  Ed. Marie Secor and Davida Charney.  Carbondale:  Southern Illinois UP, 1992.  257-77.

Johannessen, Larry R., Elizabeth A. Kahn, and Carolyn Calhoun Walter.  Designing and Sequencing Prewriting Activities.  Urbana, Ill.:  NCTE, 1982.

Johnson, Mark.  The Body in the Mind:  The Bodily Basis of Meaning, Imagination, and Reason.  Chicago:  U Chicago P, 1987.

Keith, William, and Alan Gross, eds.  Rhetorical Hermeneutics:  Invention and Interpretation in the Age of Science.  Albany, NY:  SUNY UP, 1996.

Kiniry, Malcolm, and Ellen Strenski.  “Sequencing Expository Writing:  A Recursive Approach.”  College Composition and Communication 36 (May 1985).

Kitzhaber, Albert R.  Rhetoric in American Colleges. Dallas: Southern Methodist UP, 1990.

Lauer, Janice.  “Heuristics and Composition.”  College Composition and Communication 21 (1970):  396-404.

Lauer, Janice M.  Invention in Rhetoric and Composition.  Reference Guides to Rhetoric and Composition.  Parlor Press, 2004.  <>.

Lauer, Janice.  “Toward a Metatheory of Heuristic Procedures.”  College Composition and Communication 30 (1979).

LeFevre, Karen Burke.  Invention as a Social Act.  Carbondale:  Southern Illinois UP, 1987.

Lindemann, Erika.  “Prewriting Techniques.”  A Rhetoric for Writing Teachers.  3rd ed.  New York:  Oxford UP, 1995.  105-25.

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Lotto, Edward.  “The Writer’s Subject is Sometimes a Fiction.”  The Writing Center Journal V, No. 2, and VI, No. 1 (Spring/Summer 1985 and Fall/Winter 1985).

MacDonald, Susan Peck.  “Problem Definition in Academic Writing.”  College English 49 (1987):  315-331.

Manke, L.J.  An analysis of the relationship between prewriting and written language maturity of first year college composition students.  DAI 46, 08A.  1985.

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Nash, Thomas.  “Derrida’s ‘Play’ and Prewriting for the Laboratory.”  Writing Centers:  Theory and Administration.  Ed. Gary A. Olson.  Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 1984.  182-97.

Nelson, Jennie.  “This Was an Easy Assignment:  Examining How Students Interpret Academic Writing Tasks.”  Research in the Teaching of English 24 (December 1990):  362-96.

Nothstine, William L., Carole Blair, and Gary A. Copeland.  “Invention in Media and Rhetorical Criticism:  A General Orientation.”  Critical Questions:  Invention, Creativity, and the Criticism of Discourse and Media.  Ed. William L. Nothstine, Carole Blair, and Gary A. Copeland.  New York:  St. Martin’s, 1994.  3-14.

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Phillips, Kendall A.  “Spaces of Invention:  Dissension, Freedom, and Thought in Foucault.”  Philosophy and Rhetoric 35.4 (2002):  328-344.

Pianko, Sharon.  “Reflection:  A Critical Component of the Composing Process.”  College Composition and Communication 30 (1979):  275-7.

Pullman, George L.  “Rhetoric and Hermeneutics:  Composition, Invention, and Literature.”  Journal of Advanced Composition 14.2 (Fall 1994):  367-88.

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Said, Edward W.  “Invention, Memory, and Place.”  Critical Inquiry 26.2 (Winter 2000):  175-192.

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