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Patricia Bizzell

Bizzell, Patricia. Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. U Pittsburgh P, 1992.

Bizzell, Patricia. “Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness: An Application of Paulo Freire.” Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. U Pittsburgh P, 1992. 129-152.

Bizzell, Patricia. “Arguing about Literacy.” College English 50.2 (February 1988): 141-153. Rpt. Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. U Pittsburgh P, 1992. 238-255.

Bizzell, Patricia. “Beyond Anti-Foundationalism to Rhetorical Authority: Problems Defining ‘Cultural Literacy.’” College English 52 (October 1990): 661-75. Rpt. Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. U Pittsburgh P, 1992. 256-276.

Bizzell, Patricia. “Cognition, Convention, and Certainty: What We Need to Know about Writing.” Pre/Text 3 (1982): 213-44. Rpt. Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. U Pittsburgh P, 1992. 75-104.

Bizzell, Patricia. “College Composition: Initiation into the Academic Discourse Community.” Curriculum Inquiry 12.2 (1982): 191-207. Rpt. Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. U Pittsburgh P, 1992. 105-128.

Bizzell, Patricia. “Composing Processes: An Overview.” The Teaching of Writing. Eds. Anthony Petrosky and David Bartholomae. U Chicago P, 1986. 49-70. Rpt. Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. U Pittsburgh P, 1992. 175-201.

Bizzell, Patricia. “The Ethos of Academic Discourse.” College Composition and Communication 29 (December 1978). Rpt. Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. U Pittsburgh P, 1992. 31-38.

Bizzell, Patricia. “Foundationalism and Anti-Foundationalism in Composition Studies.” Pre/Text 7 (1986): 37-57. Rpt. Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. U Pittsburgh P, 1992. 202-221.

Bizzell, Patricia. “Hybrid Academic Discourses: What, Why, How.” Composition Studies 27.2 (Fall 1999): 7-22.

Bizzell, Patricia, and Bruce Herzberg. “‘Inherent” Ideology, ‘Universal’ History, ‘Empirical’ Evidence, and ‘Context-Free’ Writing: Some Problems in E.D. Hirsch’s The Philosophy of Composition.” Modern Language Notes 95 (Spring 1980): 1181-1202. Rpt. Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. By Patricia Bizzell. U Pittsburgh P, 1992. 51-74.

Bizzell, Patricia. “The Intellectual Work of ‘Mixed’ Forms of Academic Discourses.” Alt Dis: Alternatives Discourses and the Academy. Ed. Christopher Schroeder, Helen Fox, and Patricia Bizzell. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 2002. 1-10.

Bizzell, Patricia. “Marxist Ideas in Composition Studies.” Contending with Words: Composition and Rhetoric in a Postmodern Age. Ed. Patricia Harkin and John Schilb. New York: MLA, 1991. 52-68.

Bizzell, Patricia, and Bruce Herzberg. Negotiating Difference: Cultural Case Studies for Composition. Boston: Bedford, 1996.

Bizzell, Patricia. “Paulo Freire and What Education Can Do.” JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 17.3 (1997): 319-321.

Bizzell, Patricia. “Power, Authority, and Critical Pedagogy.” Journal of Basic Writing 10.2 (1991): 54-70.

Bizzell, Patricia. “Professing Literacy: A Review Essay.” Journal of Advanced Composition 11.2 (Fall 1991): 315-22.

Bizzell, Patricia. “‘Stolen’ Literacies in Iola Leroy.” Popular Literacy: Studies in Cultural Practices and Poetics. Ed. John Trimbur. U Pittsburgh P, 2001. 143-150.

Bizzell, Patricia. “Thomas Kuhn, Scientism, and English Studies.” College English 40 (1979): 764-771. Rpt. Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. U Pittsburgh P, 1992. 39-50.

Bizzell, Patricia. “What Happens When Basic Writers Come to College? College Composition and Communication 37 (1986): 294-301. Rpt. Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. U Pittsburgh P, 1992. 164-174.

Bizzell, Patricia. “What Is a Discourse Community?” Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. U Pittsburgh P, 1992. 222-237.

Bizzell, Patricia. “William Perry and Liberal Education.” College English 46.5 (September 1984): 447-54. Rpt. Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. U Pittsburgh P, 1992. 153-163.

Bizzell, Patricia. “Writing as a Means of Social Change.” Coming of Age: The Advanced Writing Curriculum. Ed. Linda K. Shamoon, Rebecca Moore Howard, Sandra Jamieson, and Robert A. Schwegler. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Boynton/Cook, 2000. 126.