This is a crowdsourced bibliography, gathering suggested nonfiction articles for potential use in an advanced undergraduate writing course focused on style. My thanks to quite a few colleagues on the WPA-L listserv who suggested (the listserv thread was in December 2013) that students might read these articles “for content–what they say about style; for analysis, as they figure out how the article produces its effects; and as possible models that they might imitate or adapt.” What you find below is the bibliographic information as it was provided to me, so much of it is partial. I’ll fill it out as time allows. Some of the suggestions I received seemed more to be for how-to style textbooks and stylistic theory rather than models; those have been added to the Style and Stylistics bibliography. —Becky Howard
Bacon, Nora. The Well-Crafted Sentence.
Best American Essays.
Clinton, Bill. Democratic National Convention. 2012.
Fallows, James.
Fisher, M.F.K. essays
Fry, Stephen. Kinetic Typography and Language.
Ginzburg, Natalia. He and I.
Ginzburg, Natalia. Portrait of a Friend.
Iyer, Pico. “In Praise of the Humble Comma.” Time 24 June 2001.
Krause, Steve. English 328 syllabus. Eastern Michigan University.
Lanham. book
Lethem, Jonathan. “The Ecstasy of Influence.” Harper’s Feb. 2007: 59-71.
Lutz, Gary. “The Sentence Is a Lonely Place.” Believer. January 2009.
Marchand, Roland. “The Parable of the Democracy of Goods.”
McCloud, Scott. Understanding Comics.
Mullan, John. The Guardian.
Orwell, George. “Politics and the English Language.”
Perec. Species of Spaces (especially “The Page”)
Piekos, Nate. “Comic Book Grammar & Tradition.”
Quack This Way: David Foster Wallace and Bryan A. Garner Talk Language and Writing.
Quammen, David. The Flight of the Iguana, esp. “The Face of a Spider.”
Root, Robert L., Jr., and Michael Steinberg. The Fourth Genre: Contemporary Writers of/on Creative Nonfiction. 6th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2012.
Strunk and White.
Wallraff, Barbara. Atlantic.
Weschler, Lawrence. Everything that Rises: A Book of Convergences.
Williams. Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace.