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Summary and Paraphrase

Arrington, Phillip. “A Dramatistic Approach to Understanding and Teaching the Paraphrase.” College Composition and Communication 39 (May 1988): 185-97.

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Barton, Ellen, and Ruth Ray. “Changing Perspectives on Summary Through Teacher-Research.” Journal of Teaching Writing (Special issue, 1989): 165-74.

Basham, Charlotte. Summary Writing: A Study in Textual and Contextual Constraints. Diss. 1986. OCLC #68297607.

Basham, Charlotte, and Pat Rounds.  “A Discourse Analysis Approach to Summary Writing.” TESOL Quarterly 18 (1984): 527.

Bazerman, Charles. The Informed Reader: Contemporary Issues in the Disciplines. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1989. p. 6, “How to Write Summaries.”

Bean, John C. “Summary Writing, Rogerian Listening, and Dialectic Thinking.” College Composition and Communication 37.3 (Oct. 1986): 343-45.

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Behrens, Laurence, and Leonard J. Rosen. Writing and Reading across the Curriculum. 6th ed. New York: HarperCollins, 1997. 3-7.

Brown, Ann L., Jeanne D. Day, and Roberta S. Jones. “The Development of Plans for Summarizing Texts.” Child Development 54.4 (Aug. 1983): 968-79.

Brown, Ann L., Joseph C. Campione, and Jeanne D. Day. “Learning to Learn: On Training Students to Learn from Texts.” Educational Researcher 10.2 (Feb. 1981): 14-21.

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Cumming, Alister, Jacques Rebuffot, and Monica Ledwell. “Reading and Summarizing Challenging Texts in First and Second Languages.” Reading and Writing 1.3 (1989): 201-219.

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Dean, Tim. “Bodies that Mutter: Rhetoric and Sexuality.” Pre/Text 15.1-2 (Spring-Summer 1994): 80-117.

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Donley, Michael. “Precis Writing: A Rehabilitation.” English Language Teaching 29 (April 1975): 213-220.

Emmel, Barbara A. “Ruby the Elephant Who Paints: Expanding Students’ Understanding of Research and Its Relation to their Writing.” Exercise Exchange 39.2 (Spring 1994): 12-17.

Fessenbecker, Patrick. “In Defense of Paraphrase.” New Literary History 44.1 (Winter 2013): 117-139.

Foucault, Michel. The Order of Things: An Archeology of the Human Sciences. New York: Vintage, 1973.

Frey, Nancy, Douglas Fisher, and Ted Hernandez. “‘What’s the Gist?’ Summary Writing for Struggling Adolescent Writers.” Voices from the Middle 11.2 (Dec. 2003): 44-50.

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Howard, Rebecca Moore. “A Plagiarism Pentimento.” Journal of Teaching Writing 11.3 (Summer 1993): 233-46.

Howard, Rebecca Moore, Tricia Serviss, and Tanya K. Rodrigue. “Writing from Sources, Writing from Sentences.” Writing and Pedagogy 2.2 (Fall 2010): 177-192.

Kantz, Margaret. “Helping Students Use Textual Sources Persuasively.” College English 52 (January 1990): 74-91.

Keck, Casey. “The Use of Paraphrase in Summary Writing: A Comparison of L1 and L2 Writers.” Journal of Second Language Writing 15 (2006): 261-278.

Kennedy, Mary Lynch. “The Composing Process of Students Writing from Sources.” Written Communication 2 (October 1985): 434-456.

Kiniry, Malcolm, and Ellen Strenski. “Sequencing Expository Writing: A Recursive Approach.” College Composition and Communication 36 (May 1985): 191-202.

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Leijten, Mariëlle, Luuk Van Waes, Karen Shriver, and John R. Hayes. “Writing in the Workplace: Constructing Documents Using Multiple Digital Sources.” Journal of Writing Research 5.3 (2014): 285-337.

Maas, David. “Make Your Paraphrasing Plagiarism-Proof with a Coat of E-Prime.” et Cetera 59.2 (Summer 2002): 196-205.

McGinley, William, and Robert J. Tierney. “Traversing the Topical Landscape: Reading and Writing as Ways of Knowing.” Written Communication 6 (July 1989): 243-69.

Meiklejohn, J.M.D. The English Language: Its Grammar, History, and Literature, with Chapters on Composition, Versification, Paraphrasing, and Punctuation. Boston: D.C. Heath, 1887, 1888.

Mueller, Derek Norton. Clouds, Graphs, and Maps: Distant Reading and Disciplinary Imagination. Diss. Syracuse University, 2009.

Purdue University Online Writing Lab. “Paraphrase: Write It in Your Own Words.” 2004.

Roig, Miguel. “Plagiarism and Paraphrasing Criteria of College and University Professors.” Ethics & Behavior 11.3 (July 2001): 307-324.

Roig, Miguel. “When College Students’ Attempts at Paraphrasing Become Instances of Potential Plagiarism.” Psychological Reports 84.3 (1999): 973-982.

Shaw, Harry Edmund. “Responding to Student Essays.” Teaching Prose: A Guide for Writing Instructors. Ed. Fredric V. Bogel et al. New York: W.W. Norton, 1984. 114-54.

Sherrard, Carol. “Summary Writing: A Topographical Study.” Written Communication 3 (July 1986): 324-43.

Sherrard, Carol. “Teaching Students to Summarize: Applying Textlinguistics.” System 17.1 (1989): 1-11.

Shi, Ling. “Rewriting and Paraphrasing Source Texts in Second Language Writing.” Journal of Second Language Writing 21 (2012): 134-148.

Shirley, Sue. “The Art of Paraphrase.” Teaching English in the Two-Year College 22.2 (Dec. 2004): 186-189.

Solé, Isabel, Mariana Miras, Nuria Castells, Sandra Espino, and Marta Minguela. “Integrating Information: An Analysis of the Processes Involved and the Products Generated in a Written Synthesis Task.” Written Communication 30.1 (Jan. 2013): 63-90. doi: 10.1177/0741088312466532

Spellmeyer, Kurt. “Being Philosophical about Composition: Hermeneutics and the Teaching of Writing.” Into the Field: Sites of Composition Studies. Ed. Anne Ruggles Gere. New York: Modern Language Association, 1993. 9-29.

Stotsky, Sandra. “Teaching the Vocabulary of Academic Discourse.” Journal of Basic Writing 2 (1970): 15-39. Rpt. A Sourcebook for Basic Writing Teachers. Ed. Theresa Enos. NY: Random House, 1987. 328-347.

Sun, Yu-Chih. “Using a Two-Tier Text in Examining Taiwan Graduate Students’ Perspectives on Paraphrasing Strategies.” Asia Pacific Education Review 10.3 (2009): 399-408.

Taylor, K.K. “The Different Summary Skills of Inexperienced and Professional Writers.” Journal of Reading 2.7 (1984): 691-699.

Thurber, Samuel. Précis Writing for American Schools: Methods of Abridging, Summarizing, Condensing. Boston: Little, Brown, 1925.

Van der Mast, N., and D. Janssen. “Strategic Revision of Public Documents: How Policy Writers Revise Documents in Order to Reach Consensus.” Reading and Writing Public Documents, vol. 1. Ed. D. Janssen and R. Neutelings. Philadelphia: John
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Walker, Angela L. “Preventing Unintentional Plagiarism: A Method for Strengthening Paraphrasing Skills.” Journal of Instructional Psychology 35.4 (Dec. 2008): 387-395.

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